
26. May 2021 - 21:39

Dr. Fidel Toldrá, from the IATA Meat and Meat Products Biochemistry, Technology and Innovation Group, gave the lecture "GOOD PRACTICES FOR THE USE OF ADDITIVES. PRACTICAL CASE", within the Conference "Good practices for the use of additives, Innovation and Legislation", organized by FEDACOVA together with the Conselleria de Sanidad i Salut Pública (GV) and which took place on May 20 in virtual format. Dr. Toldrá focused his intervention on the practical case of the use of nitrites and nitrates...

19. May 2021 - 7:32

On May 12, some informative talks/workshops were given to the 3rd and 4th grade students of CEIP Santo Angel de la Guarda, in Valencia. With the title of "Science Uncovered", this activity aims to bring science to educational centers. The activity has been organized by Paco Romero, from IATA and has had the participation of Ana Rosa Ballester and Ana Perea, from IATA and Mónica Gandia, from UV.

17. May 2021 - 14:53

The "Microbial ecology, Nutrition and Health" research group, led by Dr. Yolanda Sanz, is developing a new generation probiotic that will allow the effective prevention of metabolic complications of obesity thanks to a new project funded by the Valencian Agency of the Innovació (AVI) and in which the Technological Institute of the Agrifood Industry (AINIA) also participates. The project consists of the valorization of a bacterium isolated from the intestinal microbiota of lean individuals...

4. May 2021 - 7:45

Lorenzo Zacarías and Mª Jesús Rodrigon (Department of Biotechnology), are co-authors of the article "A global perspective on carotenoids: Metabolism, biotechnology, and benefits for nutrition and health" published in Progress in Lipid Research, This journal had an impact factor of 15,083 in 2019 and it is the top of the “Nutrition and Dietetics” category. The work has already received nearly 200 citations (, being...

20. April 2021 - 13:28

On April 16, Dr. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell gave the online seminar entitled "Progress in enzymatic release of food-derived peptides and assessment of bioactivity" to doctoral and postdoctoral students of the School of Food Science and Engineering of the South China University of Technology of Guanzhou (Canton, China). Dr. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell is Research Professor at the IATA-CSIC and head of the Research Group "Biochemistry, Technology and Innovation of Meat and Meat Products". He is Visiting...

14. April 2021 - 7:32

The IATA research group led by Dr. José Manuel Guillamón has patented a new method to cleanly and cheaply produce abundant amounts of hydroxytyrosol, one of the most powerful antioxidants known in nature. This substance, with anti-cancer, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, is found in small amounts in olive oil and wine, among other products. Now, CSIC researchers have developed a recombinant microorganism capable of producing large amounts of very pure...

31. March 2021 - 12:02

The IATA has signed, together with the CSIC and several of its institutes as well as Universities and other institutions, the letter of the European Network "Sustainable Agriculture through Genetic Editing" (EU-SAGE) in which the European Commission is asked to adopt a proportionate and non-discriminatory approach to advanced genetic improvement in his report on new genomic techniques. EU-SAGE is a network representing plant scientists at 134 European plant science institutes and societies who...

9. March 2021 - 13:24

Last Monday, March 8, and on the occasion of International Women's Day, the IATA researcher María Jesús Rodrigo, from the group of Physiology, Pathology and Postharvest Biotechnology, gave an informative talk to students from Florida University to visualize the career researcher and the situation of women scientists at the CSIC. This activity has been taught to students of the Bachelor's Degree in Teacher in Primary Education and is part of the Science subject, whose manager is Professor Mavi...

22. February 2021 - 14:47

An IATA research team, coordinated by Amparo López-Rubio, has developed a hydrophobic airgel made from cellulose and with potential in the food sector. This material could be used in the manufacture of containers that extend the useful life of meat and fish by absorbing the fluids they give off.The qualities of this cheap and easy-to-produce airgel also point to other potential applications, such as energy storage, acoustic and thermal insulation, as well as the absorption of pollutants. The...

3. February 2021 - 8:11

We already have the programming of the next conferences of our cycle " IATA Seminars ", which can be consulted in the "Events" section of our website. The lectures will be given online, and at the end of it, a round of questions will be opened that can be transferred through the session chat or by activating the camera and the microphone of those who want to consult. The links to access can be found in the announcement corresponding to each conference in the "Events" section, as well as in...