Current Position
Full Research Professor and Director in the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology. She is also Associate Professor of the University of Valencia (UV). During her career she has been invited professor in North Caroline University (US), La Trobe University (Australia), and University of California Davis (US).
She is the President of Spanish Association of Cereal Science and Technology (AETC), member on the board of Spanish Foundation for the Celiac Disease, member of the American Association for Cereal Chemists (AACC). Her involvement in Cereal Science and Technology is extended to standardization being the President of the Subcommittee of Cereals and Derivatives of AENOR (Spanish Body of Standardization), the Spanish representative in the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and European Standardization Committee (CEN) for Cereals and derivatives.
Professional Experience
She has been involved in numerous Spanish, European and International research projects related to cereals and baked goods. She has more than two hundred publications, including book chapters, in cereal science related topics. In her research she applies a holistic approach and combine instrumental analysis, sensory evaluation and nutrition for designing novel cereal-based food products.
Research areas
The mission of my group is to enhance the marketability and healthfulness of cereals and grains commodities and processed products. Cereal grains, any other source of flour, starches and proteins are the focus of this research. Both fundamental and applied research approaches are being used to scientifically develop new added –value products and give solutions to meet consumer and producer demands for quality, healthy, nutritious and sensory acceptable baked products. Biochemistry, rheology, quality and nutritional attributes, and consumer preferences are main areas of research. A holistic approach is applied in all the research projects.
I welcome enquiries from highly motivated students willing to be involved in Cereals and Grains Science with my team and to pursue a Ph.D degree, as well as from talented postdoctoral researchers wishing to make a stay in Spain.
Research opportunities
I am currently training and supervising Master students, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral associates. I am not able to provide fellowships or contracts but I will support applications from excellent researchers to national and international funding Agencies.
- Matos ME, Rosell CM. A review: understanding gluten free dough for reaching breads with physical quality and nutritional balance. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 95 (2015), 653–661
- Cornejo F, Rosell CM. Physicochemical Properties of Long Rice Grain Varieties In Relation To Gluten Free Bread Quality. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 62 (2015), 1203-1210.
- S. Protonotariou, I. Mandala, C. M. Rosell. Jet milling effect on functionality, quality and in vitro digestibility of whole wheat flour and bread. Food and Bioprocess Technology: An International Journal. 8 (2015) 1319-1329.
- Román L, Martínez MM, Rosell CM, Gómez M. Effect of microwave treatment on physicochemical properties of maize flour. Food and Bioprocess Technology: An International Journal. 8 (2015) 1330–1335.
- Request number:WO/2008/000883Title:Composición de fibras para la obtención de productos bajos en calorías y ricos en fibras."Date of the request:Monday, 14 September, 2009