Dr. Paloma Manzanares is a CSIC scientific researcher at IATA (Researcher ID: H-2873-2012, h index = 27). She obtained her PhD in Food Science and Technology in 1994 from the University of Valencia, working on the characterization of barley beta-glucans and beta-glucanases, the main enzymatic activities involved in their hydrolysis. She then moved for a two-year postdoctoral stay at the group Molecular Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms led by Dr. Jaap Visser at the University of Wageningen (The Netherlands) where she focused on the study of biotechnological applications of enzymes produced by filamentous fungi. When she came back to Spain in 1997, she joined the Enology group at IATA-CSIC wherein she contributed to the development of several approaches to improve wine aroma quality, which included purification and characterization of novel fungal glycosidases and the construction of genetically modified wine yeasts expressing glycosidase-encoding genes. After she got a permanent position in 2000, Paloma Manzanares led her own research line focused on the study of non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts for the development of starter cultures based on their enzymatic profile. At this time point, Dr. Manzanares started a fruitful collaboration with Dr. Jose Marcos (IATA-CSIC) with the aim of applying antimicrobial peptides to control wine spoilage microorganisms. In addition, Dr. Manzanares has extensive experience in the characterization and study of the mechanism of action of bioactive peptides of interest in food technology, especially those with antihypertensive effect. Currently, Dr. Manzanares co-leads the group “Bioactive Peptides and Proteins” with Dr. Marcos ( Research in the laboratory focuses on the identification, rational design, characterization, and development of antimicrobial and antifungal peptides and proteins with application in agriculture and food preservation. Also successful is the characterization of neuroprotective peptides. At present, the group coordinates the project AFunPlus (RTI2018-101115-B-C21 Fungal AntiFungal Proteins: from Fungi to Plants and beyond) from the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad”, and participates in the SUSPHIRE ERA CoBioTech project (Sustainable Bioproduction of Pheromones for Insect Pest Control in Agriculture), in the FunFact18 Prometeo Project (PROMETEO2018/066; Synthetic biology tools for the development of new fungal platforms as cell factories for the production of biomolecules of interest in the agrifood field) from “Generalitat Valenciana” and in the project Pre-HLB: “Preventing HLB epidemics for ensuring Citrus survival in Europe” (H2020-SFS-05-2018-2019-2020 – RIA: New and emerging risks to plant health). In the medium and long term the main interest of Dr. Manzanares is the development of efficient production systems of bioactive peptides with application in plant protection, food and biomedicine, the rational design of new bioactive peptides with improved properties, and the study of the mechanisms of action.
Proteínas y Peptidos Bioactivos de Interés en Agroalimentación
Bioactive Peptides and Proteins
Garrigues, S., Gandía, M., Castillo, L., Coca, M., Marx, F., Marcos, J. F., Manzanares, P.*
Three antifungal proteins from Penicillium expansum: different patterns of production and antifungal activity.
Front. Microbiol. 9: 2370 (15 pags), 2018Hernanz-Koers, M., Gandía, M., Garrigues, S., Manzanares, P., Yenush, L., Orzaez, D., Marcos, J. F*.
FungalBraid: a GoldenBraid-based modular cloning platform for the assembly and exchange of DNA elements tailored to fungal biotechnology.
Fungal Genet. Biol. 116, 51-61, 2018.Garrigues, S., Gandía, M., Popa, C., Borics, A., Marx, F., Coca, M., Marcos, J. F., Manzanares, P.*
Efficient production and characterization of the novel and highly active antifungal protein AfpB from Penicillium digitatum
Sci. Rep. 7:14663 (13 pags), 2017.Sonderegger, C., Galgóczy, L., Garrigues, S., Fizil, A., Borics, A., Manzanares, P., Hegedüs, N., Huber, A., Marcos, J.F., Batta, G., Marx, F.A.*
Penicillium chrysogenum-based expression system for the production of small, cysteine-rich antifungal proteins for structural and functional analyses.
Microb. Cell Fact., 15:192 (14 pags), 2016.Manzanares, P.*, Martínez, R., Garrigues, S., Genovés, S., Ramón, D., Marcos, J. F., Martorell, P.*
Tryptophan-containing dual neuroprotective peptides: prolyl endopeptidase inhibition and Caenorhabditis elegans protection from β-amyloid peptide toxicity.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Issue Peptides for Health Benefits 19(5), 1491 (18 pags), 2018.
- Request number:Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas P201830546.Title:Manzanares, P., Garrigues, S., Gandía, M., y Marcos, J. F. Proteína Antifúngica y usos de la misma
- Request number:Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas OEPM. P201830609.Title:Manzanares, P., Garrigues, S., Marcos, J. F., y Coca, M. Métodos para el control biológico de infecciones producidas por fitopatógenos en plantas y cultivos. Entidad Titular: CSIC
- Request number:Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas 201130260Title:Fracción de bajo peso molecular de un hidrolizado de lactoferrina para el tratamiento de la hipertensión.
- Request number:Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas 201130150Title:Uso de heptapéptidos para el control de la hipertensión
- Request number:Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas 201030913Title:Endoxilanasa termorresistente obtenida por mutagénesis y su aplicación al proceso de obtención de bioetanol.